Why can't Caption.Ed Scribe record my Zoom meeting?

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There are a few reasons why Caption.Ed Scribe may not be able to record your Zoom meeting and, therefore, not be able to generate captions.


You must be using the Zoom Desktop application as the host or participant for Caption.Ed Scribe to work. You can download the Zoom desktop application from their website.

You can use this guide to troubleshoot why your Caption.Ed Scribe didn't record any captions.

The host is not present

Sometimes, Caption.Ed Scribe will join your meeting, but the meeting hasn't started yet because the host isn't present in the meeting, so it cannot request permission to record it.

You can request that the host allow the recording of the Zoom meeting once it has started and the host is present.

Once permission has been given, then you will be able to see captions being generated.

The host's local recording setting is disabled

If the host has not enabled local recording on their computer, Caption.Ed Scribe will not be able to record the meeting and, therefore, will not be able to generate captions.

The host will need to log into their Zoom Account online and enable local recording by clicking on "Settings", "Recording", and then toggling "Local Recording".

image showing the local recording option

Once this has been done, you will need to create a new Zoom Meeting for Caption.Ed Scribe to generate captions.

The host has disabled permitting participants to record locally

Even though the host has globally enabled Local Recording, participants need permission to record the meeting locally. This setting needs to be enabled in Zoom's Online settings.

The host will need to log into Zoom Online, click on "Settings", "Recording", and check the tickbox for "Hosts can give meeting participants permission to record locally."

image showing the option for hosts to allow participants permission to record locally.

Once this has been done, a new Zoom Meeting will need to be created to apply this setting.

The host has disabled requesting recording permission within the current meeting

Within the current meeting, the host must allow participants to enable local recording for Caption.Ed Scribe to record the meeting.

The host can enable this within the Zoom Meeting by clicking "Security" and then tick "Request Local Recording Locally" within the meeting itself.

image showing the request to record locally

The host is a Zoom Room

If a Zoom Room has claimed the host, then Caption.Ed Scribe will not be able to record the meeting and generate captions. A human will need to reclaim the host from a Zoom Room for captions to be generated.

Once a human has claimed the host, then Caption.Ed Scribe will generate captions after a user requests permission to record.

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