Here you will find a Glossary of terminology that we use within Caption.Ed, this can be super helpful when using Caption.Ed in your first few weeks.
Caption.Ed - It is a Captioning software particularly great for meetings
Scribe - Caption.Ed Scribe is your captioning companion for online meetings. It works by entering the meeting and captioning what you are saying; it acts as a silent participant.
Transcriptions - A written version of what people have said.
Captions - A live transcription of what people are saying
Custom Vocabulary - A place where you would add all your custom words to your Caption.Ed dictionary.
Library - This is where you will find all of the previous sessions that you have created.
Online meeting - This is the button you would click to activate your Scribe for the meeting.
Edge/Chrome Tab - This is where you would want to record audio from a browser tab. Note that this can only be used on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
Transcription Language- The language that you would like to speak in. This can be changed and found in your settings.